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Quikiks for Scoliosis

Quikiks are... unique

Quikiks are the easiest to use hands-free shoes. Unlike our competitors, each shoe can be individually donned and doffed from a sitting or standing position and without the need to use your opposing foot to pry your foot out. Less dexterity, balance, and coordination are required, rendering them the ideal shoe for Scoliosis patients.

Quikiks are... the shoe for Scoliosis

According to the Mayo Clinic, common complications of Scoliosis include: chronic back pain and uneven stature and ligaments causing balance difficulties. Collectively, these symptoms make it extremely difficult, if not impossible, to t bend down to take shoes on and off. Quikiks' unique hands-free technology solves both these problems, making our brand the shoe for Scoliosis patients.

By enabling customers to kick our shoes on and off without ever bending over, further back strain and pain are prevented. Most significantly, unlike our competitors, users do not need to be able to balance on one foot to ease the shoe off the other; they simply kick their foot down, and the shoe comes off. This is extremely useful for those who experience uneven stature and/or trouble walking which render balance difficult. 

Quikiks are... the future

Scoliosis is estimated to impact 2-3% of all people. That's over 6 million patients patients in the U.S. alone. This number increases to at least 60 million patients worldwide. While not all patients will experience severe symptoms, over 20% of this population will develop pain and benefit from Quikiks. With Quikiks as the leading shoe to address the intersection between Scoliosis symptoms and traditional shoe design flaws, over 12 million patients have the potential of benefitting from our technology--and that's just for Scoliosis. Quikiks benefits dozens of other health conditions as well ranging from Parkinson's to spinal cord injury. Quikiks are the future. 

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© HANDS-FREE, Inc. 2025
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