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Quikiks for Hammertoe

Quikiks are... unique

Quikiks are the easiest to use hands-free shoes. Unlike our competitors, each shoe can be individually donned and doffed from a sitting or standing position and without the need to use your opposing foot to pry your foot out. Additionally, space allows for the bent joint and inflammation associated with hammertoe to settle comfortably in the toe box. 

Quikiks are... the shoe for Hammertoe

According to the Mayo Clinic, hammer toe is characterized by an unusual bend the middle joint of a toe. This leads to swelling, inflammation, mobility concerns, and general pain when using shoes. Quikiks provides the ideal support and relief for patients suffering from hammertoe.

Increased room in the toe box immediately sets Quikiks apart from other shoes. This space allows patients with a hammertoe to comfortable situate their foot in the shoe. Extra room also accommodates swelling which could vary day-to-day. Mayo Clinic even says hammertoe is often caused by footwear that is improperly engineered, with too tight of a toe box and/or no arch support. Outside the extra room, Quikiks is compatible with custom orthotics and provides excellent arch support, providing comfort and rest for patients whose condition is worsened by other shoes. 

Furthermore, by allowing customers to kick our shoes on and off without ever bending over, further strain on their feet and legs are eliminating, limiting further injury, which can occur when overcompensating for conditions such as hammertoe.

Quikiks aren't only for patients with active hammer toe. Many cases are caused by design flaws in typical shoes which Quikiks takes steps to overcome. Patients at risk of hammertoe or recovering from hammertoe surgery benefit as well from Quikiks for this reason.

Quikiks are... the future

Research shows up to 60 million people may suffer from hammertoe today. With Quikiks as the leading shoe to address the intersection between hammertoe symptoms and traditional shoe design flaws, millions of patients have the potential of benefitting from our technology--and that's just for hammertoe. Quikiks benefits dozens of other health conditions as well ranging from Parkinson's to spinal cord injury. Quikiks are the future. 

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© HANDS-FREE, Inc. 2025
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